In following with our mission and vision Park offers a variety of ministries geared towards all age groups.
Children's ministries
Children's ministries
In following with our mission and vision Park offers a variety of ministries geared towards all age groups.
Sunday mornings
A nursery is provided for children, infants through age 3 starting at 9:15. Parents need to sign-in their children. Our nursery is staffed by a minimum of two adult member volunteers who will care for your children while you are in worship.
sprouts and Saplings (3 years old- 2nd Grade)
Participating children will be dismissed from the worship service to the Fellowship room (east side of the building) part way through the service. Parents may pick up their preschooler in the fellowship room immediately following worship.
Grades 3 - Highschool
Students will meet in the classrooms in the lower level of the west wing of church from 10:45-11:30. They will have a large group story and small group question time along with games and activities to apply the story to their everyday life. Kids will come back up to the lobby after class.
Wednesdays @ Park
GEMS is offered for our students in 2nd through 5th grade girls. Middle School Youth Group is offered for 6-8th graders. Our regular programming for the 2023/24 school year has started, we are meeting on the First and Third Wednesdays of the month! They meet from 6:15 - 7:45 p.m. GEMs meet in the Fellowship Room and Middle School Youth Group meets downstairs in the Youth Room.