Our Mission

Park Church strives to glorify God as we:

- Gather together in Christian community

- Grow in our faith to be more like Jesus

- Go out to live my calling

Our vision

A welcoming and caring faith community where lives are being transformed through the love of Jesus.

Core Values

Every church has a certain culture: it is the personality of a place that is more experienced and felt than articulated.  But, that doesn’t mean culture just happens.  It needs to be created, shaped and maintained.  A healthy culture is profoundly important. 

Our church culture needs to be noticeably different than the world’s culture around us.  Creating a healthy church culture through the guidance of God’s Word and Spirit is a powerful strategy for living out our vision—to transform lives through the love of Jesus.  Our church culture is summarized with 12 Core Values.   

  • Devoted to the Bible

    In a church that transforms lives, the saving message of the Bible is boldly proclaimed.  The Bible is God’s Word – His primary way of communicating to us.  At Park, the Bible is foundational in all that we do.  We believe that faith comes through the hearing of God’s Word.

  • Love to pray

    In a church that transforms lives, we intentionally pursue a deeper love relationship with God through prayer.  We value praying together as an integral part of being the church of Jesus.  We desire to be a “house of prayer” where it is clear that prayer is a priority.  

  • distinctive christian lives

    In a church that transforms lives, we must live as God’s holy people.  God calls us to a new path of love that will be attractive to others.  We are light and salt as we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.  We value authenticity and do not pretend to be something on the outside that we are not on the inside.  

  • Filled with the holy spirit

    In a church that transforms lives, we need the guidance of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit.  All Christians receive the Holy Spirit; but Scripture also teaches that believers need to be continually filled with the Spirit, and we are warned not to quench the work of the Spirit in our lives.

  • Welcoming to all

    In a church that transforms lives, we are eager and prepared to accept all new people into our community. We allow people to “belong before they believe”; therefore, we remove unnecessary obstacles that could hinder meaningful involvement.  Those seeking God are embraced. 

  • building a caring community

    In a church that transforms lives, we make it a priority to know one another, love one another and support one another as a family in Christ.  We value a grace-based community of truth, unity and acceptance where we can share our lives and faith stories.  We are committed to learning better practices to love others, including how to engage in healthy conflict.     

  • connected and involved

    In a church that transforms lives, each part of the body of Christ is needed and has a place to serve.  Attenders faithfully give back to the church with their resources, their time, their gifts and their feedback.  

  • Celebrative worship

    In a church that transforms lives, we regularly participate in celebrative, joy-filled worship where God is praised and worshipers are renewed in heart and mind.  Our worship will be passionate, grateful and dynamic as we come into the presence of our triune God.  In worship, we are not passive spectators but active participants in this dialogue between God and ourselves.

  • Equipping children and youth

    In a church that transforms lives, we teach our children and youth the ways of the Lord.  We invest in the next generation and develop new leaders by having them meaningfully involved in the life and ministry of the church.  The church comes alongside the family in the teaching and nurturing of our children.  Park Church also has a long history of encouraging and supporting Christian Education.  

  • Discipleship through relationship

    In a church that transforms lives, we prioritize authentic relationships that draw people closer to Jesus.  We equip the congregation to be disciples who make disciples.  We will look for the people who need us and pursue relational opportunities God brings to us.  We mentor those who are seeking spiritual growth.  

  • Rhythms of rest

    In a church that transforms lives, we slow down our pace to be with Jesus, and this is the source from which our activity flows.  We trust God to be at work even when we are not.  In creation, God established a rhythm of rest so that we can operate at our best as we enjoy God and His world.  We want to intentionally build some margin in our lives so that when God calls we have the energy and time to obey.  

  • Local & global ministry partnerships

    In a church that transforms lives, we seek partnerships with other Christians and organizations to advance God’s kingdom.  We do not only invest in our own church, but we also engage with God’s work around us through our gifts of time, talent and treasure.  We are a part of the Christian Reformed denomination, which shapes our identity and ministries.